Live visuals by Permian Strata
March 19th, 2019 at The Deep End
Initially, I wanted to DIY noise makers, starting with making an Atari Punk Console. It uses two 555 IC timers to create stepped tones from square waves that you can use in vaguely music ways.
I wanted to have a Eurorack system, but the cost was too high.
After hearing about it for years and being afraid of the cost. A bridge broke in the world of Eurorack modular synths, thanks to Mutable Instruments and other makers deciding that they wanted to open source their module designs and software.
Building from simple circuit diagrams and some soldering, I stepped in deeper. Firstly, I wanted to have a solid base for my rack. Before building anything my first module was a Doeppfer Quad VCO/VCLFO. It was self patchable and could make noise alongside use LFOs to shift the pitch. Then I purchased a Bastl Skis kit, knowing that I needed at least two VCAs. I wanted to build an analogue synth knowing I could have it from much cheaper if I DIY it.